How to Stop Social Smoking | Quitting Smoking | Übbs Pouches

How many times have you told a friend or family member that you’re not a smoker and that you only smoke ‘socially’? I bet it’s loads right? The smoking area on a Friday and Saturday night can often be where all your mates are and you don’t want to miss out on the rubbish jokes or gossip from the night.

What if we told you we’ve got tips to still enjoy the social side but without the smoking? 

Here at Übbs Pouches, we want to help you learn all the tricks on how to stop social smoking or smoking when drinking. 

5 Top Tips on How to Stop Social Smoking

#1: Our first tip on how to stop social smoking, is to make a pact with a pal. If you have another friend that’s a sucker for social smoking - then why not make a pact with them to try and do at first, 1 month smoke-free? Teaming up with a mate will egg you both on to make sure you actually stop social smoking and encourage each other. 

#2: Tell your friends. Tell everyone that you are embarking on a smoke-free adventure, by speaking out, it can give you that initial strength to actually give it up and they can keep you accountable!

#3: Try activities that don’t involve drinking or something that will ignite the urge to social smoke. This could even be a bowling night with pals - or a sober night at the comedy club.

#4: If you still want to enjoy the social aspect of the smoking area but don’t want to be tempted - ask your non-smoker friend to come out there with you (only if you’re sure you won’t be tempted). Now jump to to tip #5…

#5: Try Übbs Pouches. Why? You can remain in the crowd, enjoying the party, socialising with your friends and family while enjoying a nicotine experience. 

So, our final tip on how to stop smoking when drinking, is to simply, pop one of our tantalising flavours under your upper lip. Let the buzz of cola or cool peppermint take you on the smoke-free adventure of a lifetime. After thirty minutes, discreetly pop out your Übbs Pouch and dispose of it in our handy waste compartment or a general waste bin.

The Festive Season and Social Smoking

As we embark on the winter season and the abundance of Christmas festivities, for those of us who drink, there is rarely an event where drinking isn’t involved. Party after party, whether it’s for your best friend or your cousins-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend, we are socialising for what seems like, 24/7.

We start to fall into bad habits and if you are a casual or social smoker, then what once may have been a weekly or monthly occurrence could quickly turn into a daily habit.

Why not read our article on how to stop smoking and make it a New Years Resolution?

So, why stop social smoking?

Another tip on how to stop smoking when drinking - is to remind yourself of the cons of smoking. There’s plenty of reasons but the winter period can also make it worse – as you can’t smoke indoors and it’s winter – so it’s freezing outside! What better time to stop social smoking than right now? Being drawn away from the warmth, buzz and conversation to stand in the cold, wind and rain suddenly becomes less appealing. The smoke from cigarettes also lingers on your clothes and can be unpleasant to some people.

Why Übbs Pouches are Key

Übbs Pouches are key to starting your smoke-free adventure and saying goodbye to social smoking for good. 

Übbs Pouches are filled with water, plant-based materials, flavourings, sweeteners and of course, nicotine. With an array of delicious flavours and strengths, they are the perfect discreet alternative to social smoking.

Just pop one in your mouth and voila, your social smoking days are over and your new adventure with Übbs Pouches has begun.

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