5 New Years Resolution Ideas for 2024

The festive season is a time rich with indulgence. There are work events, Christmas drinks, parties with families and friends, Christmas markets and Shopping – you name it, you’ve probably done it. It is truly the season of giving; you give time, gifts and a whole lotta energy to the people you love.

And as the season of joy and merriment comes to a spectacular end with a bang of fireworks across the globe, you might be left feeling a little worn and lacklustre about the year ahead.

Why make a New Year's Resolution?

Let’s set the scene, your friend taps you on the shoulder, after a group rendition of Auld Lang Syne and asks you what this year’s new year’s resolution? You have new year’s resolution ideas swirling in your head but what do you say? Do you feel compelled to say something? More often than not, you make a resolution that you have no intention of starting, let alone keeping.

Just under half of us feel the need to set New Year’s Resolutions but how many of us keep to them? *Research suggests that only 9% of people that make resolutions keep to them, 23% quit them by the end of the first week and 43% by the end of January.

Here at Übbs Pouches, we’re all about lighting a (metaphorical) fire within you (of course, we’re a smokeless product…). We’ll accompany you in your new adventure. We want to give you some New Years Resolution Ideas that you actually want to achieve.

Here is our round-up of the top, most achievable New Years Resolution Ideas for 2024. We want you to take them, do them and tell your friends. 2024, a new year and a new adventure.

*Source: https://fisher.osu.edu/blogs/leadreadtoday/why-most-new-years-resolutions-fail 

Our Top 5 New Years Resolution Ideas:

New Years Resolution Idea #1: Getting Fit & Healthy

One of the most cited New Years Resolutions and the most failed. How many people do you know that join a gym on 1st January and then after two weeks, the gym is a distant memory? Getting fit and healthy doesn’t have to be suddenly going to the gym five times a week. Make the resolution fit you. It could be going on a 30 minute walk every lunchtime and catching up with a friend or listening to a podcast.

New Years Resolution Idea #2: Stop Smoking

Rolling in at number two, and one of the most popular New Year's Resolutions is ‘stopping smoking’. This is one of the most popular and most failed. But fear not, there are lots of things that can help you on your journey to stop smoking for good, taking up new hobbies, getting healthy and hanging out with non-smokers. Instead of lighting up another cigarette, why not try Übbs Nicotine Pouches? Übbs Nicotine Pouches are a new nicotine experience, in the form of pouches, that are designed to help smokers and vapers quit.

Simply, pop one of our tantalising flavours under your upper lip and let the buzz of cola or cool peppermint take you on the smoke-free adventure of a lifetime. After thirty minutes, discreetly pop out your Übbs Nicotine Pouch and dispose of it.

New Years Resolution Idea #3: Start Saving for Your Next Adventure

Make 2024 the year that you finally go on that holiday you dream of. Make a small bucket list of things you’d like to do, from seeing your favourite band live to swimming with dolphins. Think about what is achievable and maybe it’s sacrificing your daily coffee and saving that money every day. Even small amounts add up! If you’re also giving up smoking, think about the money you can save and how you can repurpose it.

New Years Resolution Idea #4: Prioritise Your Mental Health

Prioritising your physical health is a popular New Year's resolution. We are all busy people and time becomes a limiting factor within our lives. But how can we switch the focus and make time to clear our minds and put us in a better mood for, well, everything? It could be, combining this into your resolution for ‘getting fit & healthy’. Walking outside in the fresh air, even for just twenty-minutes a day is proven to work wonders for your mental health.

Taking an hour every evening where you cut back on-screen time. Or making sure you go for a coffee every week with a friend to get things off your chest. These small changes can make a huge impact on your life and doing something just three times makes it easy to form a habit. And not all habits are bad for our health.

New Years Resolution Idea #5: Never Stop Having Fun

Finally, this goes without saying and it should probably have come in at New Years resolution idea number one. Never stop having fun. Sometimes in the day-to-day slog of life, between working, having bills to pay and just the general admin of life, it can be easy to stop having fun. We believe that fun is the essence of life. Incorporate laughter, time for you and adventure wherever you can.


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  • 5 New Years Resolution Ideas for 2024 Übbs Pouches

    5 New Years Resolution Ideas for 2024

    Patrick Wigham