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Stoptober: Our Top Tips to Help You Quit Smoking in 28 Days | Übbs Pouches

Quitting smoking is much easier said than done. It requires commitment, a strong support network and the right mindset. And life doesn’t stop. Navigating quitting smoking around your work life, home life and the general daily struggles is tough. But we’re here to make your lives that little bit easier!

What is Stoptober?

Stoptober is an annual campaign that encourages smokers to quit. It was first held in 2012 and was created by the English Department of Health to address the high number of smokers in the UK. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the health risks that come with smoking and the helpful resources that are available to help smokers quit. Throughout the month, there are daily challenges and support from friends and family which can help you stay motivated to quit for good.

Stoptober is also a great way to build on the support network. Sometimes knowing you’re not alone can really help you on your journey to a smoke-free life. You may not have a close peer, work colleague or partner who is also looking to quit smoking. Stoptober helps to encourage conversations and bring together a community of like-minded people to help you all quit smoking together.

Let’s make October the start of a healthier, smoke-free new you.

How to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can be hard - we’re not here to sugar coat it! The first three days of quitting smoking is by far the toughest stage and it can be difficult to prevent a relapse. But don’t despair! Übbs Nicotine Pouches are there to help you transition to the new you, not just for October but for good.

Smoking is all about habit and breaking this habit is crucial for you to succeed. And when those urges strike, that’s when we lapse back into our old ways. Übbs Nicotine Pouches are small, flavoured pouches filled with nicotine. Simply pop one under the upper lip, allow that tingly feeling for 30 minutes as the nicotine does it’s thing and then discard the pouch. Enjoy a nicotine experience without the smoke.

Oh and did we mention they come in six different flavours? From Berry to Spearmint, you can enjoy a flavourful nicotine experience.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

There are many benefits of quitting smoking, from being able to spend more time with family friends to being healthier.

The health benefits of quitting smoking are what we all focus on but what are the other reasons you want to quit? It could be to save money for that dream holiday, to buy tickets to see your favourite band or even simply to say adieu to old habits.

Think of all the reasons you want to stop smoking and the new things you will be able to do once you quit. Write them down as motivation and think of a reward for every month that you are a non-smoker.

Put the money you save every week from cigarettes into a savings account and watch that money add up. Soon you will be able to buy yourself a nice reward for taking your health into your own hands.

Top Tips for Quitting Smoking

Top Tip #1: Hang out with non-smokers. We know your best mate might be Steve the Smoker but don’t worry - this isn’t a forever thing! But at the beginning, it’s much easier to give up smoking if you’re not surrounded by smoke and the temptation to relapse. Surround yourself with people that support you.

Top Tip #2: Create a new routine. Smoking is often about a habit. Schedule daily walks with friends and begin activities to reduce stress, plan a trip with the money you’re saving (what a great excuse?).

Top Tip #3: Avoid alcohol. Drinking can trigger the urge to smoke so at least while you’re in the first few weeks, try to avoid drinking to avoid the urges.

Top Tip #4: Choose Übbs. Übbs Nicotine Pouches are there to help you. Smoke-free, hands-free, tobacco-free. They are there to help you transition from smoking to living a new life.

Top Tip #5: Big yourself up. Quitting smoking is hard. Remind yourself of the achievement you’re undertaking and how you will feel once you’ve quit smoking for good. Take deep breaths, pat yourself on the back and reward yourself when you can.

Übbs Nicotine Pouches, the Perfect Partner for Stoptober

The Übbs tobacco-free nicotine pouches come in a variety of flavours and strengths. They are ideal for when an urge strikes for a slow, steady release of nicotine and help to not lapse back into old habits.

The six different flavours and strengths are designed for your enjoyment. We don’t believe in standing out in the cold, being isolated to get your nicotine. We want you to be present at every party, every festival, everywhere and to completely enjoy the nicotine experience.

The pouch itself is designed to fit perfectly under your upper lip. It is discreet so no one will even know it’s there and will help you on your smoke-free adventure.

But lastly, be kind to yourself. Never underestimate the feat you are undertaking and reach out for support as and when you need it.

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